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Cecilia Maas

Cecilia Maas

Cecilia Maas

Cecilia Maas was born in Argentina and studied a Lienciatura in History at the University of Buenos Aires. She specialized in economic history and history of international relations, with a thesis about the relations between Great Britain and Argentina in the 1920s and the visit of the Prince of Wales to Buenos Aires in 1925. She worked in the field of Public History developing contents about the history of Latin America for the website www.sonidosdecaliban.com.

The Organization of Culture in South America. Max Glücksmann and the Industries of Film and Phonography (1890-1946) 

Her research deals with the history of cultural industries from a global perspective and the circulation of ideas through mass culture in South America in the first half of the 20th century. Her research project focuses on a case study based on the figure of Max Glücksmann, a Jewish immigrant in Buenos Aires who became one of the main entrepreneurs in the fields of film and music in the region. This research aims to discuss the role of media, technology and the role of commercial practices in the circulation of ideas.

contact: cecilia.maas@fu-berlin.de